The life of Accounting began with the abacus calculation instrument. It is still used today by people in doing some counting’s.
Accounting is also an electronic device that accepts data as an input, process the data and finally provides information as an output.
The effect of Accounting usage in banking sector:
i.Computer is more reliable and also saves time
ii.It also provides easy access of information about customers account number and details into the Accounting.
iii. It also provide easy accessing of already completes projectsAccounting as an information technology helps to detects and eliminate fraud for immediate action fro further occurrence.
Before the use of Accounting, Nigeria will recall the long gone days of the tallies when customers need to rush to the bank as early as possible to submit their tellers in exchange for tallies so as to avoid the long delays. This was a result of the manual processing of Accounting Networking; this is the ability of several Accounting in communication for sharing common data, files.
Bank: bank is an organization offering financial services, especially the safe keeping of money.
Banking industry: this refers to a place where business activities of bank are carried out as services.