ABSTRACTFishing with heteroeneous and variant fishingtechnologies in Akwa Ibom State without cautionto environmental sustainable fishing techniques(ESFT) is consequent to decline in catch,externalities and market failure. The studycollected data from Oron, Ibono-Eket and IkotAbasi in fresh water zone of the state using amulti-stage sampling procedure and analyzedthem using both descriptive, inferential statisticand econometric tools. The area is predominantlymarried (81.4%) fishermen (70.5%) of mean ageof 57.5 years with dugout canoe (65.1%) andmean fishing distance of 3.3mm. Recommendedmesh size (3.10), CA&SF (3.48), flood plainfishing (3.09), G/C net fishing (3.36), R&L (3.46)and avoidiance of dynamite and poison (3.36)were all were all adopted. The innovators andearly adopters dominate the late adopters andlaggards (2:1) hence, adoption intensity is highwith a fast horizontal and vertical channel ofinformation diseamination and diffusion of ESFT.The model has a good fit. Adoption intensity ofinnovators and early adopters relative to the basecategorywill likely increase with profit andextension contact but reduces withcompaticability of the techniques, and extensioneffectiveness. It recommends that extensioneducation and effectiveness on ESFT packageswill ensure higher return and balanced ecosystemin the area.