Statement Of The Problem
The Church is expected to be a social pioneer its social responsibility needs to be considered as part of pioneering social role considering the fact that The Church is designed as part of the human community to respond first to God-in-Christ. The Church is the most sensitive and responsive entity in every society. The Church hears the Word of God, sees his judgments, and has the vision of resurrection. This unique role of the Church makes it the pioneer part of society that responds to God on behalf of the whole society. As pioneer group, for example, the Israelites were chosen by God to lead all nations to him. Jesus also displays the same responsibility in his obedience to God by sacrificing himself for the redemption of humankind. Following this the General Overseer of the church redeemed Christian church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, disclosed this while presenting report of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities august 2013. Ever since there have been projects spread over 353 communities in 255 local governments of the nation. Geared towards increasing CSR. Projects included construction of free community schools, provision of free potable water, scholarship for indigent students and patrol vans for police stations, among several others (Adewumi, 2015).
Notwithstanding, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities are no longer only charitable events but tools for boosting positive image of an organization and organizational profitability. Misam (2012), confirmed that the concept of churches has changed from only spiritual activities to social welfare activities where churches are not only responsible to its members but also to the immediate society.The findings of Rapti and Medda 2012, revealed that the main force that drives organisations to adopt corporate social responsibility is CSR’s financial benefits. Nicolau (2008) defined socially responsible organisations as those which in profit-making operational decisions, considers the full scope of environmental impact and balances the needs of stakeholders. Maigan and Ferrell, (2004) described corporate social responsibility as an instrument to increase organisations’ legitimacy in the eyes of their stakeholders and to develop positive social responsibility images to burnish their reputations.
Many research (Richard and Okeye, 2013; Olayinka and Temitope, 2011; Amole et al, 2012; and Amaeshiet al, 2006) have done on CSR in Nigeria especially in oil and gas, manufacturing and telecommunication sector but few in the religious sector and their result is inconclusive and there is needs to further investigate the impact of CSR on church growth. Therefore, this research study sets to investigate the impact of CRS on church growth with particular reference to RCCG region 2.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is investigate the impact of CRS on church growth with particular reference to RCCG region. The project also examined the extensive prospects that are available through the adoption and investment in CSR programs that extends the church’s identity and presence. Specifically the study seeks to :