Cellophane sealing machine is basically used for cellophane and nylon materials sealing. It is a machine that uses the principle of light, heating materials or element to seal two impressed surfaces or even more impressed surface depending on the nylon usage and application.
The packaging phenomenon was previously done by the use of paper bags but as time went on, this method changed to cellophane packaging system and till date, it has been growing. This cellophane can be obtained by the process of polymerization of organic compounds to form polyethene.
With the invention or introduction of technology, different types of packaging systems have been deviced, of which the most highly used is the cellophane packaging and sealing. Although, the use of time in packaging is still in use. Cellophane packaging excels since it can be easily obtained, fabricated, as well as store materials of different shapes and sizes.
The properties of poly ethane that made it to be highly useful in all aspects of packaging are inertness, high resistance of acid attack, water, base, organic chemicals, low coefficient etc polyehtene is used in packaging goods like ice cream, treated water, beverages, and biscuits, pharmerceutical products and some other fungicides like cocoabre sandus, copper sulphate (blue stone), ridomil plus etc.