1.1 Background to the Study
A few decades down the line, auctions were carried in auction houses and the bids were made with the auctioneer delegating the bids and this method required the physical presence of the bidders, thus it resulted in a number of limitations. This led to the use of online auctioning which allow for the auctions to be carried out over the internet from anywhere in the world. The advent of online auctions presents on its own, different downsides due to the lack of proper evaluation techniques of the products and the sellers. The current systems do not allow for proper description of the kind of sellers and the kind of products that they sell. These systems do not provide enough detailed information to evaluate the type of sellers and their products. This result in the buyers uncertainty thus resulting in the reduced effectiveness of the online auctions making people opt for offline auction markets. Most available current auction systems do not fully provide product descriptions as well as fully evaluate the different type of sellers that participate in the auctioning process. Online systems come from a background where there is no full evaluation of the shilling activities that take place in different auction systems. The evaluation of shilling activities goes a long way in providing for certainty in the different type of seller. This can be achieved through the provision of the shill scores or shill ratings for each seller in an auction system. By providing the sellers shill rating the different bidders can easily make choices for the different sellers they decide to bid for their products.