It is well known that online shopping system is seen as a form of electronic commerce which allows customers to directly buy goods or services from the seller Via Internet using a web browser. The internet has become an essential part of our daily life, and companies realizes that the internet can be a shopping channel to reach existing and potential customers. With this consensus to investigate the problems faced by customers through the traditional way of shopping (manual system), with respect to my case study, and also suggest the positive step towards the improvement of shopping of frankfik international using an E-shopping system, which will be designed using MS Access as the back – end and Visual Basic application package as the front – end. In this project, the main aim is to demonstrate a better interactive feature in an E- shopping website. This will improve sales over the net. This dissertation includes a literature review giving background information about E- shopping choosing a suitable lifecycles model and developing a website prototype and furthermore, evolution the finished product which aims has been achieved.