The twentieth century was shaped by sweeping changes in communication technologies. The emergence and use of information technology is the century’s most significant development affecting scholarly communication. The application of computers to information processing has brought several products and services to the scenes. Consequently, the academic community has undergone tremendous changes during these years, assuming new dimensions influenced by technology-driven applications. Libraries have witnessed a great metamorphosis in recent years both in their collection development and in their service structures. Thus Libraries are using technology to improve the management of scholarly information to strengthen and speed access to scholarly information not held locally. Over the last several years a significant transformation has been noticed in collection development policies and practices. Print medium is increasingly giving way to the electronic form of materials (Sharma, 2009). Ani (2008) quoting Tsakonas and Papatheodorou (2006), states that “the transition from print to electronic medium apart from resulting in a growth of electronic information, has provided users with new tools and applications for information seeking and retrieval. Electronic resources are invaluable research tools that complement the print-based resources in a traditional library setting.
Commenting on the advantages of electronic resources, Dadzie (2007) writes that electronic resources are invaluable research tools that complement the print – based resources in a traditional library setting. Their advantages, according to her include: access to information that might be restricted to the user due to geographical location or finances, access to more current information, and provision of extensive links to additional resources related contents. This rapid emergence and development of electronic information technologies therefore makes it possible to envision radically different ways of organizing the collections and services the library has traditionally provided. While libraries approach a crisis point in financing collection development, these new technologies offer possible ways to mitigate costs and revolutionize ways to access information. Navjyoyi (2007) also finds that speedy publication and availability on the desktop are the key advantages that attract research scholars.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Libraries are nests, which thatch scholarship but libraries are not themselves automatically valuable to users. Users need to be motivated to see the real worth of a library. There are various resources available both in print and electronically the main purpose of these resources will be fulfilled only if the users are able to locate these information sources effectively. Hence, the true worth of the library will be made. Coming to this era of technological development the forms of resources has been distinctively transformed from printed books and journals to various electronic forms. Today’s library has a challenge to broaden its resources and develop its collection in print resources as well as electronic format. Student of these generation are more inclined to digital forms of information they like to get information in a fastest way.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The other objectives of the study were to:
1.4 Research Questions