It is now widely recognized that peaceful settlement of dispute within the framework of the united nations charter requires an intergrated and coordinated approach, combining more than one category of strategies of dispute settlement. A welcome development, in this regard, is the increasing resources to the international court of justice parallel to the methods of dispute resolution, there by emphasizing the role of the court in the UN system for matainance of international peace and security and peaceful settlement of dispute1?. The ICJ is no longer seen sold as the last resort in the resolution of the dispute and states may have resources to the court in appeal and that such resource may complement the work of the security council and the general assemble as well as bilateral negotiations. Indeed, one of the most common instrument used by the international law. Has always considered its fundamental purpose to be the maintenance peace2. Although ethical preoccupations stimulated its development and inform it’s growth, international law has historically been regarded by the international community primary as a means to ensure the establishment and preservation of world peace and security.
Basically, the techniques of conflict management fall into two categories: Diplomatic procedures and adjudication3 the former involves an attempt to resolves an attempts to resolves differences either by the contending parties themselves or with the aid of other entities by the use of the discussion and the fact finding method. Adjudication procedure involve the determination by disinterested third party of the legal and factual issue involved either by arbitration or by the decision of judicial organs.