The aim of this chapter is to introduce the study, Urbanization and Industrialization in Nigeria: A Case Study of Kaduna Metropolis, 1957-2007. To achieve this objective thechapter will be organized as follows: Introduction; the aims and objectives of the study; the statement of the Research problem; Scope of the study; Justification of the study; Literature Review; Theoretical Framework; Methodology of the Study; Limitation of the study; and Notes on Source.
Industrialization can be defined as the extensive introduction of the latest scientific and technological achievements in production in the comprehensive technical re-equipment of the natural economy. Specifically, in Kaduna this process of introducing scientific and technological achievements in production led to the establishment of a factory equipped with 14,000 spindles and 300 automatic looms, costing the Northern Regional Government £1,250,000 in 1957. Thus, the Kaduna Textiles Limited (KTL) was established. This was the first large scale manufacturing industry in Kaduna. Subsequently, other large scale establishment that employed many people in the mass production of industrial or consumer goods were also established. These factories include Paper products, printing and publishing, brewery, car assembly plant, Asbestos-Cements Products, Fertilizers and Petroleum Refinery Plant.