In this chapter, it is going to cover the followings: the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study and reference.
In an organizational set up, the personnel manager is expected to help formulate manpower policies. to emphasis on division of labour presently, the duty of the personnel and remunerate employees.
Management in an organization is affected mostly due to misplacement of workers. Constantly, due to misplacement of workers. Constantly, experts ask whether to get the individual to fit into a job position or to design the job to suit the individual.
From observation, the management is to determine its manpower needs, the process by which management attempts to provide for its human resources to accomplish its task is term manpower planning or employment needs planning for their manpower needs.
Manpower planning is necessary in all organization because it is required for recruitment, without it, it would be difficult to know the number of personnel required for recruitment, to be reassigned, due to retirement or need to be retired for better utilization. Manpower planning reduces excessive recruitment training and transfer and thereby saves management cost and time.
‘Bruce’ observed that the major changes in population technological innovation, size and complexity of organizations have made informal methods of employment planning obsolete for all, but they very small and stand organization. In Nigeria where there is security of qualified manpower to fill existing positions the situation is more crucial.