This work was carried out in order to find out Eva soap advertising and Ikot Ekpene consumer’s purchasing habits. The objective of the research was to identify residents of Ikot Ekpene who use Eva soap, and their source of awareness of the product. The systematic sampling technique was used in administering the questionnaire to the 290 respondents. This was done by finding out the number of roads in Ikot Ekpene which was 25 roads having 1115 houses. A total average was derived by dividing the number of houses by the number of roads which resulted in 45. Subject was selected by skipping every 2nd house in the 25 roads. 300 questionnaires were administered and 290 were correctly filled and returned. It was noted that effective advertising includes and lures consumers into buying the advertised products and also reveals how advertising increases sales. Recommendations were made on what should be done in the field of advertising to be more oriented.