Communication is a very vital tool in carrying out our day-to-day activities which makes the saying that if you don’t say here I am nobody will say there you are, unique and outstanding from every business firms world wide today. Everyone needs communication with people around to share experience jobs, frustration, hopes and fears. From childhood we all learn how to communicate, as children, we able to recognize and identify happiness and annoyance in our parent’s faces or words. And at school, we learn how to write and interpret number and diagram; we also come to understand the silent language of communication expressed in faces, gestures and body movement that is the body language of non verbal communication. This array of skills has helped us to be active members of the family, schools and work group.
It is only when people have come to know other through work, play and study that they prepared to open up and to trust others with a share of themselves, their inner though reactions and feeling.
According to Chester Bernard, the first executive function is to maintain a system of communication which is fundamental to the existence of any organization communication function. Which is the means by which social inputs are fed into social system or organization the means by which behaviour is modifies, changes is affected, information is made productive and goals are achieved be it in business, military etc.
Every organization is established to achieve a set objective for example, certain business organization are set up for profit making by the provision of goods and services. While others are up mainly for the provision of service by training high level of manpower for both in the public and private sector of the economy.
However, the defined objective of any organization have to be achieved through the instrumentality of individual person who from the basic unit of the organization. The people’s readiness to perform for the attainment of goals and objective of an organization.
As defined by Drucker, management is concerned with the direction and controls of an enterprise and involves planning and the direction of the work of others. These managerial functions cannot be successfully carried out in the absence of communication. Brown defined communication as the process of tramistting ideas and though one person to another for the purpose of creating understanding in the thinking of the person receiving the communication.
Drucker made the following statement. The manager has a specific tool, information. He does not “handle” people, he motivates, guides and organize people to do their own work. His tool to do this is the spoken or written work. No matter whether the manager’s job is engineer, accountant or marketing effectiveness to a large extent depends on his ability to listen and to read or his ability to speak and write. It needs skill in getting his thinking across to other people as well as skill in finding out what other people are after.
The above contribution by Drucker implies that communication is needed to convey information necessary for an on going operation and secondly that communication can have a impact on the attitude of people in the organization and consequently on the general performance of the organization. Managers spend a lot of there time in order to co-ordinate human and physical resources of an organization into effective and efficient working unit. It is only when the human and material element of an organization is harnessed into a working whole that the objective goals of the organization can be achieved.