Advertising as defined by the committee on definition of the national associated of marketing teacher on the united stated as any paid form of non personal presentation of goods, services or ideas to a group.
Train (1991) defines advertising as the purchase and use of space on newspaper, magazine or outdoor location or the purchase and of time on radio and television by an identified sponsor, for the promotion of goods, services of ideas. Advertising as also activities concerned with marking production(s) and services know to consumers or consumers and creating demand for the products(s) and services(s) (Nkem 2001).
Advertising to the dictionary of business and fiancé. Advertising as any form of paid public announcement or presentation, which is aimed at the promotion or the sales of good and service or at gaining acceptance for any idea or point of view. Sales promption is a marketing communication effort or promotional campaign activity articulated by business forms, carefully planned organized staffed, directed, monitored, controlled and carryout by marketing men and organization, with a view of increasing sales or generating sales activities come under or include free gift price off, discounts sample contests etc, aimed at inducing enticing luring or wooing consumers to make a purchase (Nkem 2001).
One of the most difficult problems facing marketing is that of assessing the effectiveness of their advertising to volume marketers spend millions of naira on advertising yet they do not know much about its impacts many factors influence consumers decision to by or not such factor include advertising the product itself, the package, the warranty and special services as well as word of month communication and price.
In Nigeria many people are averse to advertising consumers who receive a lot of benefit and who could not be better served despite consistent advertising, still do not patronize the good or services consequently advertising practitioners should welcome constructive criticism.
They argued that virtually everybody knows consumers argue that advertising deceives the consumers, raise prices, distorts the market and promotes monopoly. T6hey hold the view also that since our economy is a seller’s one, need for advertising does not exist.