The house fly, musca domestica, not only in a nuisance pest, but also acts as an important mechanical vector for lots of pathogenic microorganism agents, including bacteria, protozoa, worms, fungi and viruses amongst humans and animals. The populations of house flies transmit the diseases agents by means of different parts of their bodies’ chairs body, appendages and mouth parts) and secretions (regurgitates and faces). House flies enter to the several places, including contaminated premises because of their own biologic habits for feeding service MW.
(2000) medical entomology for students 2nd ed. Cambridge University press. The habit of house fly favour the spread of bacteria and other diseases causing organisms. www.idph.state1/us/enhealth/pefilthflies.html.
Consequently, house fly for example, can spread diseases such as food poisoning and dysentery regarding to bacteria service MW. (2000) medical entomology for students 2nd ed Cambridge Unversity press. www.idph.state1/us/enhealth/pefilthflies.html
More than 100 percent associated with the house fly may cause disease in humans and animals including typhoid, cholera bacillary dysentery, tuberculosis anthrax ophthalma and infantile diahea, as well as parasitic protozoa and worms www.edis.lfas.ufl-edu/in503 pathogenic organism are picked up by flies from garbage, sewage, and another source of filth, and then transferred on their mouthparts and other body parts through their vomits, faces and contaminated external body part to humans and animal food. www.edis.lfas.ufl-edu/in503.