Papaya is not a tree but an herbaceous succulent plants that posses self supporting stems. Carica papaya belonging to the genus Carica. Carica papaya contains the enzyme papain, which is present in the fruits, stem and leaves . It contains biologically active compounds such as chymopain and papain which aids in digestion. Every part of Carica papaya is of economic value and its use ranged from nutritional to medicinal. The leaf tea or extract has a reputation as a tumor destroyer agent. The fresh green tea is an antiseptic whilst, the brown dried pawpaw leaves are best served as a tonic and blood purifies Obodo (2019). Papaya contains a broad spectrum of phytochemicals including enzymes (in the latex), carotenoids (in fruits and seeds), alkaloids (in leaves), phenolics (in fruits, leaves, and shoots), and glucosinolates (in seeds and fruits). The aim of this study was to determine the proximate constituent and phytochemicals that are present in Carica papaya leaves. This will help in determining of its medicinal value which may be useful in pharmaceutical industry.