Education is the process of facilitating learning, the acquisition of “knowledge”, “skills”, “values”, “belief” and habits”. Also, Education is commonly divided into such stages as kindergarten, primary, secondary school, university, or apprenticeship as the case may be.
Article 13 of the United Nations’ 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, recognized a universal right to education(9).
Etymologically, the word “Education” is derived from the Latin éducátió (“I educate, I train”) which is related, to the homonym édúcó (“I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect”) é-(“from, out of”) and dúcó (“I lead, I conduct”). According to Oby, Nwafor, Mordi, and Nwaka “Examination is the process of finding out either in written or oral exercise the extent a candidate or learner has acquired and mastered all the necessary skills and competence expected of him or her”..(90). Education is useful for the realisation of aspirations,to the parents, for the promotion of the intellectual growth of their wards and to the society; education ensures a continued supply of capable and functional citizens.