The development of any society is measured by the extent of influence and controls the people have on nature and ability to channel their natural resources. This is determined by the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the instruments of labour. In other words, without instruments of labour man – physical, intellectual and psychological assets cannot help him (Islam and Kazulnko, 2008). Nigeria, among the third world countries went through almost a century of colonial experience from 1861-1960, when she got her political independence. Since independence, Nigeria has been struggling in the course of political instability, economic and socio-cultural imbalances. And like other third world countries, the nation has been hugely confronted with underdevelopment which emanated from dominant exploitative character of the western economies on which those of the third world depend. The gap in income inequalities has widened, and perceptions of group marginalization have intensified youth’s anger arising from unemployment and poverty, finds expression often in the violent ethno-religious conflicts, or in violent protests and criminal activities such as armed robbery, extortion and fraud. The atmosphere becomes perpetually tensed, laborious, charged, over-heated and characterized by violence (insurgency & counter-insurgency). More so, the nation’s economy is suffering enormously owing to her main dependence on petroleum without economic diversification. “Dependency relates to a situation in which the economy of certain countries is conditioned by the development and expansion of the other to which the former is subjected’’ (Santos 2013). The relation of inter-dependence between two or more economies in a world trade terms, assumes the form of dependence when some countries (the dominant ones like the USA, Britain, Germany and France) can expand and be self-sustaining; while other countries (the dependent ones like Nigeria, Rwanda, Bolivia, Thailand and India) can do this only as a reflection of expansion which can have either a negative or positive effect on their immediate development”. From the definition above, dependency, according to Santos is both bilateral and multilateral.