Project Body:




          The human race will never see the end of troubles until political power is entrusted to the lover of wisdom “Plato Republic”. The first approach to the challenge of this area of research is that Nigerians have no choice but to seed to return to the basic context in which Nigerians see the conflicts as a segment of the political process as well as the figure, standing against the intellectual extrapolations originating in, and also sustained by, the media.

          Politics as a concept when considered against its definition by David Easton, could be said to have been in existence as early as any grouping or organization of people which is formal or sometimes when informal. The Eastonian definition posits that politics is the “authoritative allocation of scare values”. This definition could also be viewed from the point of struggle for the political power will to authoritatively allocates these values through the point of influencing the decisions of who gets what, when and how and finally climaxing at the contestation for the voice of veto on the implementation of the decisions taken.

          However, from the above brief overview of the concept of politics would reveal some key factors, the values of resources available to be shared amongst members of the scarce and cannot sufficiently satisfy the needs of every member of the group. This is why there is need for an authority which will decide on the allocation of these scarce resources supposedly in accordance with priority of importance. Another factor to be printed out is that since the decision of ‘what’ anyone would get from the system resides at the points of who makes up the authority of allocation, there is therefore clashes and disagreements at these decisions points.

          If the two above factors are aggregated, it would become clear that the political process is one that can be figuratively termed, WAR. And if all these conflicts cannot be amicably resolved by way of resolutions, then the system is at a point of crisis

          Democratic system of governance which has numerous definitions and meanings is believed to have gained currency universally as the finest form of government. And if one may argue, the concept has been either enforced or mostly accepted as the best system of governance. Nevertheless, this system of government is pigeonholed by certain deficiencies which are either external or internal, i.e. domestic causes and or foreign influences. In this country, the concept of democracy has turned out to be problematic to express and simply for the fact that, the very element which meet the requirements a democracy (free and fair election) has been difficult to accomplish (Sulayman, 2011). Monshipouri (1995) maintains that the classification of democracy is challenging in the sense that it has been the question of massive elucidations by scholars over the years.


          In the proceeding piece of introduction to this work, sufficient and hear exhaustive description and highlights of the various points and forms of manifestation political conflicts in Nigeria fourth republic, was attempted. This was done alongside with the brief overview of the concept “political conflicts” in any system, society or political grouping while also considering the frequency of these crisis situations in Nigeria as a nation. Haven looked at the forms of manifestation of the concept. It is proper that we attempt to state the problem(s) that created a sustaining environment for these crisis to blew and thrive.

        The first problem could be spotted from the analysis of the above listed political conflicts saga, is that of widespread corruption which has a partner in unpatriotism. Quite consistently, Nigeria has been considered to be among the first five most corruption, fueled by greed for the concept of patriotism, that has resulted in the average Nigeria seeing governance and government as a vehicle for exploitation and self-aggrandizement. So while the people crave for  a leadership of lift maintain mercantilism as their watchword and do everything in the hope of monetary gains and kickback. Anambra, Oyo, Enugu, Edo, etc. are still a classic example of this situation.

          The second problem easily identifiable as a source of conflict is in the politics of Nigeria is “elitism”. Although this is widely in practice in all parts of the world, but here in Nigeria, it has assumed a disturbing and worrisome dimension. It has become pertinent to have an elite back-up or a strong political godfather before considering running for any elective offices or even political appointment. These godfathers offer the services of their support only in anticipation of financial returns that are alarmingly huge and extravagant as opposed to that of their service to the people.


          The objectives of this study are to find out the following:

1.      To examine the impact of political conflict in Nigerian      democracy 1999 – 2015.

2.      To examine the challenges of democratic development in       Nigeria.

3.      To highlight whether leadership and political parties conflict     affect democratic administration in Nigeria.

4.      To proffers applicable solution to leadership and political         parties conflict in Nigeria.


          The following research questions stated to guide this study:

1.      What is the impact of political conflict in Nigerian democracy   1999 – 2015?

2.      What are the challenges of democratic development in Nigeria?

3.      Does leadership and political parties conflict affect democratic         administration in Nigeria?

4.      Is there any applicable solution to leadership and political        parties conflict in Nigeria?


          The following research hypotheses were formulated to guide this study

Hypothesis 1

H0:    There is no significant relationship between the impact of        political conflict in Nigerian democracy    1999 – 2015.

H1:    There is a significant relationship between the impact of          political conflict in Nigerian democracy    1999 – 2015.

Hypothesis 2

H0:    There are no challenges of democratic development in Nigeria.

H1:    There are challenges of democratic development in        Nigeria.


          This research work will go a long way to benefit political office holders in Nigeria as well as all top politicians.

          The study has both theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, the study will fill the gap in knowledge and in literature which exist in political conflict and Nigerian democracy from 1999 - 2015.

          To students and other researchers who may wish to further their research in this field will find this research as a useful material due to the time and effort invested in it.

          It will go further to serve as background information to any political stakeholder or the general public, who wish to know about political conflict in Nigerian democracy.


          This study is limited to Enugu State and upon the research topic, which is centered on the impact of political conflict in Nigerian democracy 1999 - 2015. The study will further cover other areas to include theoretical framework and conceptual framework.


          There is no study undertaken by a researcher that is perfect. The imperfection of any research is always due to some factors negatively affecting a researcher in the course of carrying out research.  Therefore, time constraint has shown no mercy to the research. The limited time has to be shared among many alternative uses, which includes reading, attending lectures and writing of this research, also distance and its attendant costs of travelling to obtain information which may enhance the writing of this study was a major limitation.

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