CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction
The renaissance period led to the invention of printing and the broadening of literacy through distribution of knowledge and ideas and therefore signalled the emergence of libraries. A library is an agency which engages in the collection, preservation and dissemination of recorded or electronic information in the various formats most convenient to its target users (Salisuand Olalokun, 1993). IFLA (2007) defined a public library as “an organization established, supported and funded by the community, either through local, regional or national government or through some other forms of community organization”, Libraries can be differentiated from each other based on their target users, public library is different from academic, school, and special libraries because they function to serve the needs of a diverse service population including small children, students, professionals, and the elderly. In contrast, academic libraries serve colleges and University faculties and students; school libraries serve secondary school students and staffs. Public libraries are used primarily by members of the local community in which they are constructed and secondly by members of the communities and the immediate outlying areas.