Project Body:



1.1         Background of the Study

Man is notoriously a religious animal. There is no other phenomenon which moulds and controls man’s life as much as religion. Wherever we find man, we find him with his religious beliefs and practices. This goes to show that religion is very vital in every organized human society. It has made recognizable impacts on the political, physical, social, moral, spiritual and economic life of the people. Thus, religion is one of the most popular institutions that has greatly influenced man and his environment, and cannot be done away with in human society.

In the course of human history, man’s search for God has led to enormous diversity of religious expression found worldwide. Most religions teach the existence of one or more deities who created the universe (and continue to play major role in managing it sometimes bypassing the laws of nature to effect miracles), moral principles, mankind’s relationship to the deity/ies, behaviour towards fellow humans, spiritual masters etc.

Science on the other hand, deals with the study of nature, its forces, processes and development. A realistic patrol down the memory lane through historic ages to our time, will bring us in contact with the fact that science and technology have a primordial undertone. Ab initio, after the creation of man (according to

1.5        Scope of Study

This work tries to study the place of references will be made globally if the needed arises.

1.6         Research Methodology

The basic methods employed in this study were historical and descriptive. Collection of data was mainly secondary sources, which include text, journals, dailies, periodicals, unpublished documents and internet. The data collected through secondary sources were critically analyzed, interpreted and descriptively presented. The researcher applied as much objectivity as possible.

1.7         Definitions of Key Words:

Science: In the 13th century Europe, constantly tested and reassessed.

“Science” according to Eya (2007:20) comes from a Latin word Scio, meaning “to know”. It is a term used in its broadest sense to denote systematized knowledge in any field, but usually applied to the organization of objectively verifiable sense experience”. The pursuit of knowledge in this context, according to him, is known as pure science, to distinguish it from applied science, which is the search for practical uses for scientific knowledge, and from technology, through which applications are realized.

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