Employee clocking systems are time system used by organization to accurately record the number of hours worked by each employee every week The clock have evolved with time and the companies still need some sort of system that they can use employees payroll and ensure that the employees are paid for each hour they worked. Today, employee use swipe cards with a negative stripe through a slot that reads their name and records the time every time they clock in or out, much like the old punch clock system of long ago. At the end of a work week, the main computer computes the total hours worked for every employee and prints it out on a spread sheet. This rids the payroll system of human error, making it much more efficient. The MALUM organization does not used computerized employee time system. The organization make use of manual time clock system, though time saving and error-free, is not entirely perfect. Sometimes, the magnetic strip on the back of a card may get damaged. When the employee swipes the card, the machine may not register it. Such inadequacy are corrected in the computer time clock system. Even with the advert computer software and advanced time keeping techniques, the principle of the employee time clock remains the same. This project expresses the hourly employees will always need a way to keep track of their time and organizations will need logical ways to monitor and records an employee’s time to ensure productivity.
The problem is centered on how to design and implement a computerized employee clocking system for MALU organization. From the study layout the problem determine are:
1. Inadequacies of the manual time clock system
2. The problem encountered by the staff reservation section.
3. The impact of this software reservation section
4. The impact of this software design is not entirely perfect.
5. The company policy forbids employees from punching or swiping for each other and both employees stand a chance of losing their jobs if caught.
The purpose of the study is:
1. To determine the capability of computer that I amount of jobs which the computer can properly process at a given period.
2. To correct the inadequacies of the manual time cock system.
3. To advent the computer software and advanced time keeping techniques.
4. To keep track of the time and ensure logical ways to monitor and record an employee’s time.
5. To choose a system that suits the needs such as biometric time clocks, punch time chalks and computer based time clocks etc.