In every child who comes into this world, the hopes and dreams of the human race are born a new. Children are bearers of our common future a future that is in our hands as never before. For the world has the knowledge, the resources and the legal imperatives to give every child the best possible start in life, in a family environments that offers the love, the care and the maturing that children need to grow, to learn and to develop to the fullest. But still these children are being exposed to all diverse kind of mistreatments ranging from child labor, violence, abuse, neglect and commercial sexual exploitation of children. Children are more vulnerable than adults to being hurt, neglected, abused and exploited. Their survival is at risk and their full development is compromised. Violence against children occurs within families, in schools and communities. However, the need to care for these children so as to meet the increasing and challenge demand arose. Thus, man resolves to help to mobilize a Global movement for children an unstoppable crusade to end, at long last, the poverty, ill health, violence and discrimination that have needlessly blighted and destroyed so many young lives. In this juncture, there is need to know who a child is and what child abuse and neglect is. In traditional and even contemporary Africa, various ethnic groups have different concepts who a child is while some see one as a child so far he cannot contribute to the development of the society, others see him in terms example, Olukoshi et al (1990) posited that: “there is not one acceptable age, which is considered as a worthy definition of the upper limit of childhood begins in terms of the right to vote and be voted for and the age considered the federal ministry of youth and culture, and education as being upper limit of childhood differs… ” even internationally, there are divergent definitions as to who a child is.