The Academic Planning defines the curriculum of a campus and its potential impact on a variety of learning communities within it. Academic planning needs to focus on 2 things: one; the need for and shape of education in college or university’s service area and two; the ability of its current resource base to adequately provide for these needs. This process must be objective and the reality of potential changes must be embraced. Academic planning system prevailing objectives involves matching campus strengths and distinctive competencies to societal needs such a way that the best resources of the campus come into play in supporting existing services and programs or in creating new ones. It also provides a common language, a collective set of norms and values and a shared vision as to the nature of learning at the institution. The planning includes so many things such as:
Concentrating on undergraduate education
Maintaining a large and stable set of core courses
Focus effort on teaching and services
Challenging students through exposure to new ideas.
Conduct student enrolment according to NBTE requirement Etc.
This process should be led by the office of Academic Affairs, it is also important to include other members of the campus community in the process such as the department chairs, deans and academic vice chancellor otherwise known as Directorate academic planning unit in this IMT 13 The importance of academic planning describes a model-based decision support system for academic units in a university headachy. This system integrates macro level decision by examining individual department budgets to determine future plans quantitative technique for forecast