A Database information system for hospital administration (CDSFA), variously also called clinical information system (CIS) is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of a hospital. This encompasses paper-based information processing as well as data processing machines. As an area of medical informatics the aim of an CDSFA is to achieve the best possible support of patient care and administration by electronic data processing. It can be composed of one or a few software components with specialty-specific extensions as well as of a large variety of sub-systems in medical specialties (e.g. Laboratory Information System, Radiology Information System). CISs are sometimes separated from CDSFA in that the former concentrate on patient-related and clinicalstate-related data (electronic patient record) whereas the latter keeps track of administrative issues. The distinction is not always clear and there is contradictory evidence against a consistent use of both terms. Usage of Information Technology (IT) remained comparatively very less in Health sector than other sectors despite having more potential. Health Institutions, which is important sector, should encourage IT usage resulting better productivity, effectiveness, efficiency and economics leading to better health care to all. This paper tells a success story of implementation of ICT in monitoring of medicine in health Institutions. System works on low-end resources and E-mail based data transfer from District Hard Quarter to State Head Quarter. Implementation of Med-Centre in all the districts of Enugu results in check on pilferage of medicine, increase in availability of medicine at Government Institution, increase in attendance of patient/doctors in health institution, optimal utilization of medicine and data capturing at source, resulting in availability of error-free data at State Head quarter Every day, the health of Nigerians is threatened by adverse events caused by errors in the manual entry and processing of drug prescriptions.
For each prescription allergy, drug-to-drug and drug-todiagnosis interactions should be checked against a complete medication profile and a legible prescription should be produced for the pharmacist to dispense. In general, across Canada, this is not always the case today. Drug Information Systems Program is focused on creating an interoperable drug information system that will carry all data concerning a patient’s medication history: prescribed and dispensed drugs, allergies, ongoing drug treatment, etc., in order to ensure patient safety. Drug and drug-interaction checks are performed automatically and added to the patients’ drug profiles in their Electronic Health Record (EHR). These systems provide physicians and pharmacists with data to support appropriate and accurate prescribing and dispensing, thereby avoiding adverse drug interactions and possible related deaths