In a large organization such as the Grail Movement, the account system is the life wire of the administration not respecting the fact that it is a non-profitable organization. It is through proper accounting, that the management can find out their financial performances and the information gotten help them in planning future routine strategies. Grail Movement is a non-profitable organization, housing other groups, like the flower group, labour group, and catering group. They raise funds within themselves, from the sales of books, willingly, and through individual pledges. This project is on a computer based accounting system using “Grail Movement” as a test case. This accounting software attained some degree of flexibility. It is intended to track all source of revenue (i.e. money coming in) and liabilities (i.e. expenditures). It is a user-friendly accounting package, which manages the daily accounting operations and provides for the security of the information in the system, input data validation and restricts access to some vital management information. This software is able to generate reports on demand and statements needed by management for its decision making while promoting the organization functional establishment. This report ranges from individual donations statement of account, trial balance sheet, debtors & debts to profit and loss account within a specified data interval. The report could be viewed on the screen or printed on paper as desired by user.