Simulation of microprocessor based level control system has become the normal digital technology as their application acts across all facts of human endeavor which includes: Industrial control system, Robotics, Weather forecasting military hardware etc.
Simulation involves constructing a model for the behavior of the system and driving it with an appropriate abstraction of the workload. The major advantage of simulation is its generally and flexibility. Almost any behavior can be easily simulated.
There are many important issue to be considered in simulation.
The reason for its wide choice is based on its reliability, ease of enhancement and programming modification and the ease at which complex system are controlled
Based on above premises a microprocessor based temperature and liquid level control system was conceive. The system was conceived to be a stand alone system having 8088 processor and a memory capacity of 3 kilobytes (2k eprom and 1k Ram) with F facility for upgrading it to 20k bytes.
The design stage of this work concentrated more on the input / output of the system and what the input / output is expected to achieve which may include the following.
The accompanying software should be blasted unto the EPROM to activate the system to achieve the function outlined above.
From the above the problem of this project can be as follows:
a. Developing a program that would determines and detect weather the received tank is empty or not. If empty another tank will automatically refill the receiver tank.
The program will incorporate variable that will test the values at specific I/o and based on this a decision is taking on a particular case of action
What motivated me to embark on this PC is to show society how a microprocessor lazed temperature and liquid level control system can help the general public not to get disease from untreated water. Also to be able to detect when the temperature of a liquid is more than its normal temperature.