No matter the level of computer literacy, this is little likelihood that the following phrase needs to be explained. “the computer is down”
It has been a common complaint the words conforms up visions of a pertinent machine gone on the micro equivalent of a sit down strike. Perhaps, it will be up and rounding later on, like a good diagnostic procedure is carried out using the diagnostic procedure is carried out using the diagnostic program.
Eventually, we lean that the computer is once again back in operation. But what we don’t learn, is that the trouble really was not the computerizes fault at all. Instead on operators error lured it to perform in an unexpected moreover. Then it became necessary to shut down the system while the error was traced, isolated and corrected.
Infact, the computer machine is one of the most reliable machines ever made. It has almost knowing parts, so there is very little to get of our alignment. Its electronic components do not demand periodic adjustments. And since it really has no brain of its own, it just cannot make its own mistakes. It does only what it is told, that is “gabbage in gabbage out” Given a minimal amount of care and a decent operating environment, it should provide years of trouble- free , error-true services.
No one can say that the computer system never break down, some components may indeed fail now and then, yet far more often a “computer is down” problems can be traced to human error, and while that may make he problem no less frustration. It does make it much simpler to solve. Needless to say, an actual hardware failure may require the services of skilled personnel. However, an apparent failures requires within more than a moments attentions by the user. With the help of this diagnostic program that helps him or her test the different sub-systems of the computer to isolate, trace and correct the error, the conception of a moments attention will yield.
When making a list of all the factors that revolves around the computer is down problem, we must not forget to include our human causes at the top of the list. Next is the consideration of the various external devices, followed by the internal devices with moving parts. After that, it is apt to the display.
Finally when all else fails to be associated the problem or rather, when we begin to suspect the computer itself. So our prioritized suspect list may look something of this nature.
1 – human error (such as forgetting to turn the power on, plug the display on a wrong socket etc.)
2 – External devices (like printer out of paper, liquid spilled on diskette etc)