Personnel appraisal is a human resource management, with an outward match to becoming an industrial society Nigeria, Nigeria is witnessing true emergency of personnel as a profession. Personnel is those who direct the activities of any organization or enterprise.
To develop or accelerate the development of personnel profession in Nigeria both, the government and some private groups have established institutions, in addition to a few Universities and polytechnic, which run symmetric course in personnel management, this institutions include the industrial train fund (ITF), The centre for management development (CMO). The Administrative staff college of Nigeria (ASCON), the institute of personnel management (IMP) and the Nigeria institute of management (NIM).
In addition, personnel offices developed, man’s need increases, business continue to grow and administration of personnel became more sophisticated, then the usual manual methods of record documentation were replace with mechanical method. Documents are now stored in files, cupboards, shelves, drawers and even cabinets, these storage facility gave room for easy retrieval of records when required. These records are identify by a key or by a serial number.
This development continued gradually until recently computers were invented as an electronic method of processing data. This is because much problems are being encountered in personnel record system unit of college of education agbor, and even in most institution of higher learning and other governmental offices n Nigeria.
Before the advancement of computer, information gathered or created were stored and retrieved manually which made to be boring and cumbersome. Now, the use of computer in personnel office has helps to facilitate day to day activities like sorting, editing even updating records or employee in the college.
Efficient management and administration were achieved. Computer can be defined as an electronic device that accepts input, manipulates data (processing) and produces information which is the output as required. These information could be stored on tapes, disks, cards even in computer main memories.
Computer is personnel appraisal system is therefore the application of computer in personnel appraisal. Documentation. In documenting these records, the master file of records are converted from their original paper form into a form the computer understands. These original files are converted into electronic files and are stored on auxiliary storage devices and access can be made on these file any time the programmer wish to do so.
The purpose of inventing computer is to minimize human problems. According to Mechan he said that electronic computer is the last tools design developed by man to aid him in processing data for business and government agencies dealing with great number of records.