Chapter 1:Introduction
1.0 Introduction
With the vast development of various technologies; learning today is no longer confined to the classrooms with lecture deliveries as the only method of conveying knowledge, rather, an electronic means of learning has continued to evolve. New and emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning, and the way education is managed[1].
Information technology while an important area of study in its own right is having a major impact across all curriculum areas. The most significant development of recent years has been the growth of new kinds of university and the increasing popularity of the so called ‘borderless education’.
As we move towards knowledge age, we are seeing the term electronic learning(e-learning)being used to describe learning interventions such as knowledge management, online instructions and electronic performance support.
Literarily, e – learning refers to electronic learning. In a broader perspective, it refers to a wide range of application and processes designed to deliver instructions through electronic means – usually over the web.
What makes e-learning powerful is more than technology – it is the social dynamics of networking. It is the combinational power of a worldwide network of such computers – that connect authors, instructors and learners globally; with the immediacy of texts, graphics, radio and video interactivity and collaboration sharing.
The two – way connectivity power of the internet has changed the traditional perception of e – learning as ‘e – training’.
E – learning is not the just ‘e – learning’ – it is the synergy of information on demand, multimedia communication, collaboration and training that interactively engages the learner with greater learning opportunity irrespective of their locations.
Online courses offer portal is a subset of the electronic learning system which employs the powerful nature of the internet to set up a virtual campus, where students, faculties and administrator(s) can interact irrespective of their current locations.