Educational reforms are not strange, as no educational system is perfect. All over the world, education continues to be subjected to questions like: what should be taught? Why? Where? How? By whom? Education is meant to serve the world. The world, itself, is not static. How can education be
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static if it is to remain relevant?
The decade 1990 to 2000 has been correctly referred to as the “Decade of World Summit”, because the world witnessed a plethora (about 22) of international conferences mainly devoted to “Quality in Education” for human development. Among such conferences are “World Conference on Education for AH” held in 1990 at Jomtien and another in Dakar, 2000. Several important messages came out of these conferences, among which are: “an affirmation that education is a fundamental human right” and “an acknowledgement that Africa is at the bottom of the world’s educational league table, and the fact that this should justify urgent, concerted, innovative responses” (Obanya, 2002, p.3). it was also noted that “political will is the key to success in all educational endeavours” (Obanya, 2002, p.3).
Although it has been asserted on some occasions that education is an industry, and indeed a major one, in Kwara State, in thus writers view, the problem of this State’s educational system is so deep and fundamental that it will take a total and radical re-engineering of the system to cure it of its ailment. The problems did not start today. Since the introduction of western education into Nigeria, the education system has been facing myriads of problems but in the last three decades, they have become increasingly complex. In the hurry to develop, the various Governments have made series of omissions and commissions which have continued to cripple the education system, and reforms have been patchy, inconsistent, mismanaged and therefore mostly ineffective. The system failed largely at the level of management. There is no gainsaying the fact that no educational system can rise above the quality of its management. The implementation of the National Policy on Education is a typical example; laudable programme but poorly executed.