1.1 Background Of The Study
The secretary is a critical officer in any organization. A secretary's contributions and effectiveness can either enhance or detract from an organization's efficiency (Onasanya, 2010). Additionally, he stated that the term "secretary" can refer to either the chief administrator of an organization or to a person who performs and records the proceedings of a meeting. According to Stanwell and Shaw (1978), a secretary is a member of staff who is responsible for the production, preservation, and delivery of all sorts of communication, as well as performing standard secretarial responsibilities of a confidential nature at different levels. Eni (1989) also defined the secretary as a member of the clerical staff whose primary responsibilities include the preparation of correspondence or communication with and outside the organization in all its forms. According to the definitions provided above, a secretary is a critical member of management both within an organization and in the external world.
As with other employees, a secretary's performance can be enhanced or diminished by a job of factors, including emotional sentiments. Brief and Weiss (2002) assert that emotions are typically associated with specific events or occurrences and are strong enough to interfere with thought processes. Organizations are primarily concerned with having secretarial employees who perform at their best, since human resources are an organisation's lifeblood. Given that emotions are considered to have an influence on workflow, it is necessary to explore if this disruption in workflow also has an effect on secretaries' performance. Dunnette and Hough (2000), on the other hand, assert that organizations are unconcerned about the plight of secretaries in this regard, noting that the business world is more familiar with narrowly focused fads and management programs known by three-letter acronyms such as MBO (Management By Objectives), BPR (Behaviorally Anchored Rating), PCT (Paired Comparison Technique), and probably others (Nilku, 2015).
Additionally, Brief and Weiss (2002) asserted that emotions are often linked to particular events or occurrences. However, Kegan (1982) asserts that in the majority of organizations, emotions are seen as illogical occurrences that contradict the voice of reason, and hence are mostly neglected. According to Pervez (2010), there is growing interest in the impact of emotions on organizational secretaries in general, as researchers increasingly realize the importance of emotions in organizational life and on employees. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of emotion on the job performance of secretaries in an organization based on the above.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Emotions are purely psychological occurrences in humans that may be generated by a variety of factors. According to Bowman (2012), an employee's is significantly influenced by their workplace behaviors. Specifically, secretaries' emotions and general temperament have a substantial influence on their job performance, decision-making abilities, team spirit, leadership abilities, and attrition (Ganji, 2011). Secretaries are viewed as subordinate staff in the majority of organizations in Nigeria, and as such, their superiors or leaders treat them as minorities via harsh verbal expression, sexual harassment, and so on. Onyenna (2015) observed that a lack of adequate working equipment, an uncomfortable work atmosphere, and, most crucially, frequent salary payment delays, especially in government organizations, emotionally harm secretaries, resulting in sentiments of despair and discontent with their jobs. Emotions, without a doubt, have a direct impact on decision-making, creativity, and interpersonal relationships. Due to the abstract nature of emotions, less emphasis has been paid to their potential impact on employee performance, with some organizations downplaying their significance in employee life. Thus, the purpose of this research is to determine the effect of emotions on the job performance of secretaries at a business.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The overall aim of this study is to critically examine influence of emotion on job performance of secretaries in an organization. Hence, the study will be channeled to the following specific objectives;
1. Identify the factors that triggers the emotions of secretaries in an organization.
2. Determine whether emotions affects the commitment level of secretaries.
3. Determine whether emotions affects the productivity of secretaries in an organization.
4. Ascertain whether a relationship exist between emotions and job performance of secretaries.
1.4 Research Questions
The study will be guided by the following questions;
1) What are the factors that triggers the emotions of secretaries in an organization?
2) Does emotions affect the commitment level of secretaries in an organization?
3) Does emotions affect the productivity of secretaries in an organization?
4) Does any relationship exist between emotions and job performance of secretaries?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study seeks to find out if secretaries’ emotions affect their performance. In the event that there is a correlational link between the two constructs, this study shall serve as a wake-up-call for organisational leaders to consider their secretaries’ emotions as these will have a profound effect on their job performance. The findings of this study shall show how organizations can be able to establish an ideal organizational climate that can lead to positive emotions on the part of employees.
Given that the issue of emotions has been ignored largely due to the complexity of this construct, this study shall reveal if whether emotions are really a cause for concern in organisational life particularly with regards to job performance.
Additionally, subsequent researchers will use it as literature review. This means that, other students who may decide to conduct studies in this area will have the opportunity to use this study as available literature that can be subjected to critical review. Invariably, the result of the study contributes immensely to the body of academic knowledge with regards to the influence of emotion on job performance of secretaries in an organization.