1.1 INTRODUCTIONSales management involves the planning, hiring, directing and controlling of a company’s sales force. Sales managers evaluate their firms competitive position, analyze markets and set goals, recruit, train and motivate sales people to reach these goals and continually strive to improve the quality and productivity of the selling effort for which they are responsible. EDEOGA P.N. (1997: 214).According to Nwokoye (2000: 236) managing the sales effort of an organization encompasses all effort put together in employing the activities of some sales person (s) in order to achieve organizational targeted objectives. In fact, sales operations are so fundamental to the firms marketing environment that some firms – especially new ones may not even use the term “Marketing” to describe their operations and the top marketing man may have the title of sale managers.In ADIRIKA E.O ETAL 91996:164) explains sales management as a personal selling jobs previously known as a persuasive environment which is triggered towards persuading customers to buy goods and services to a more integrated jobs of a complex activities in today’s larger marketing function. Its basic area is the tactical marketing which is more important in the area of offering goods and services and also things of value to the customers.KOTTER AND ARMSTRONG (2001: 583) summarizing the sale management when he said, This only means the analysis, planning, implementation and contrive of sales force activities which encompasses designing sales free strategy and structure and recruiting, selecting, training, compensating, supervising and evaluating the firms sales people. Personal selling is usually regarded as the last bus stop in the total promotional journey. This is because the illiterate objective of most promotional efforta is the sales, but the actual consummation or fruition typically depends on effective selling.Therefore, the organisations general well being and the totality of their objective set up is dependent on the ability and general management of their sales forces in order to be a profit oriented firm.RESEARCH PROPOSALDefinition :- Proposal is a way of winning somebody to enable the person carry out a research work. it is also on outline, methodology and procedure the researcher tends to implore in solving an unidentified research problem which will help the researcher in allowing a result.To achieve a reasonable research work, eight (8) things are involved;-